Author: Dr. Celestine Iwendi

Celestine Iwendi is a Sensor and Electronics Researcher at the University of Aberdeen, UK. He can be reached at

Navigating Sensor Jacket for Map Free Travel

A high-tech jacket with sensors has been developed to help people keep their heads up so they don’t have to look at maps as they walk around. According to Billie Whitehouse, the co-founder, Art Director and Designer at Wearable Experiments…

Protein as Voltage Sensors for Drug Development

Findings that provide a platform for understanding of the general principles of electrical signals in neuron and muscle, and pH homeostasis in blood cells using voltage-sensor domain (VSD) with dual roles of voltage sensing and proton permeation have been developed.…

Sensors To Turn Water Into Wine

A modern miracle within three days that promises to turn water into wine has been created by Philip James, former CEO of the wine website Lot 18. The aptly-named Miracle Machine offers to make a 750ml bottle of wine, including…

Sensors in Driverless Cars

BMW has added an active assisted technology to a modified 2 Series Coupe. According to reports, the car can slide into a controlled drift to demonstrate how precise the control systems are and how it can handle a critical situation.…