Category: Machine Learning, AI

New Sony AI Drives Race Car

Takuma Miyazono began his racing career at age 4 when his father brought home the motorsport game Gran Turismo 4. In 2020, sixteen years later, Miyazono became the Gran Turismo world champion, winning a ‘triple crown’ of esports motor racing…

Facebook Notifications Increased Blood Donations

University of Maryland Machine Learning researchers developed a predictive algorithm to enhance Facebook’s notification system for blood donations. This algorithm prompted 5% more people to take blood tests in the last year, which could mean 140 million more potential donations…

Millions of Jobs to be lost to Automation

According to Forrester, over a third of European job roles could be rendered redundant by automation over the next two decades as companies battle against unproductivity and a thinning workforce. In their latest Future of Jobs Forecast, the tech analysts…

Smart T-shirt Detects Breathing Problems

A group of researchers in Canada have created a smart T-shirt capable of monitoring the breathing of the wearer, which could be useful for medical and athletic applications. An advantage of the smart T-shirt is its ability to conform to…

New Wearable Sensors can Track Hand Use in Amputees

Researchers at the University of Missouri, Columbia recently developed a system to track hand use in people who use a hand prosthesis or have undergone a hand transplant. The technology tracks hands’ movement, and monitors how people make use of…