Researchers from the University of Hong Kong, New Jersey Institute of Technology, and Santa Clara University have successfully taught microrobots to swim through deep reinforcement learning, an incredible development in microswimming capability. Artificial microswimmers capable of navigating the world like…
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Latest News & Events in Wireless Sensor Network
North Korean Hackers Use Smart Hack to Read Your Gmail
Researchers have discovered new malware that North Korean hackers have been using to read and download emails and attachments from the accounts of infected users. Referred to as SHARPEXT by the researchers from Volexity, the security firm, the malware uses…
New Machine Learning Model uses Social Media to Predict Wildfires
Researchers from the Imperial’s Data Science Institute used machine learning to create a wildfire prediction model. This model uses combined geophysical satellite and social media data to forecast wildfire features with high accuracy. The study was published in the Journal…
Researchers use Aesop’s Fables to Test Analogical Reasoning in AI
Researchers at the USC Information Sciences Institute (ISI) are attempting to extend the thought process of analogical reasoning to machines. They presented a novel paper titled ‘Understanding Narratives through Dimensions of Analogy’ at the International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence…
New Historic Chips and Science Act goes to President Biden for Approval
This week, the U.S. Senate and House approved the Chips and Science Act, authorizing the expense of $280 billion to support tech hubs and innovation in America, particularly to strengthen the creation of semiconductor chips. The legislation—over a 1,000 pages—…
Researchers Develop Model to Determine if a Pesticide is Toxic to Honeybees
Researchers from the Oregon State University College of Engineering have applied artificial intelligence in the protection of bees from pesticide. Cory Simon, Assistant Professor of Chemical Engineering, and Xiaoli Fern, Associate Professor of Computer Science oversaw the project which consisted…
New Machine Learning Model Can Detect Gun Buyers at Risk of Suicide
Data shows that every 11 minutes in the United States, a person takes their life, making suicide the leading cause of death in the U.S. Suicide also accounts for most of the gun deaths. 90% of suicide attempts with a…
Prescribed Video Game Treats ADHD in Children
Owain Sihanourath, 13, was diagnosed with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) in pre-school. Since then, his family, resident in Savannah, Georgia, have taken him to several occupational therapists to help him cope better with daily activities. They also tested the…
Instagram Reveals New Age Verification Policies
Instagram announced that from Thursday, it would start testing new tools for age verifications if accounts under the age of 18 tried to change their age to over 18. However, users can still input the wrong birth date when setting…
Analysis Shows Over 75% of the World’s Most Popular Websites Allow Weak Passwords
A new review has revealed that over three-quarters of the world’s most popular websites allow users choose the most common passwords such as ‘P@$$w0rd’ and ‘abc123456’. Over 50% of the 120 top-ranked websites allow 40 of the most easily guessed…