Researchers have come to realise that data can be intercepted based on what was sent, whom it was sent to, when the message was sent and where the message was sent from and to. They are also considering the level…
Category: Security
Energy Conservation in WSN Nodes Security Application
Energy conservation is one of the challenging issue among numerous stringent requirements for the implementation of WSN security using key management. There are many ongoing research aimed at realising a practical and robust keying model that tends to address this problems.…
Encrypting Sensor Nodes with Advanced Encryption Standard (AES)
Wireless sensor network nodes with key management mechanism can be encrypted by AES as way of double security to prevent intruders from disrupting the communication between two sensor nodes and base station. It is an added version to make the…
AES Implementation on MicaZ with Contiki OS
Advanced Encryption Standard has been used to double the security of the MicaZ wireless sensor network nodes by the Wireless Sensor Network research group at the University of Aberdeen. We can recall that it was in the year 2001 that…
Security Challenges for Wireless Sensor Networks
Wireless Sensor Systems deployments are security sensitive and attacks against them may lead to damage to health and safety of people. The biggest treat to WSS is Denial-of-service attack. These attacks are conditions for hardware failures, resource exhaustion, bugs, malicious…
Enhanced Security Technique For WSN Nodes
Enhanced Security Technique For Wireless Sensor Network Nodes Wireless sensor network (WSN) have become a complete solution in making use of low power implementation and embedded systems. Many different security protocols have been proposed that allow some form of security…