Quality of Service, Admission Control and Lifetime-Extending Challenges Authors: Carlos Abreu, Paulo Mendes Biomedical wireless sensor networks empowers the development of new applications and services to improve the quality of medical care provided to the citizens. In such context, these…
WSN Made Easy With Arduino Platform?
This article will help you to understand some of the easiest methods to start implementing your sensor nodes with an Arduino platform. Many students and organisation tends to be frustrated with the licensing issues and the cost of buying sensor…
Keynote: Are We Ready For The Wireless Building?
About the presentation In addition to the latest developments in the research for in-door communications, the event will feature practical examples and case studies to demonstrate new services inside wireless enhanced buildings. You will hear an update on the progress…
Towards 4G A Look Into The Future
About the presentation In addition to the latest developments in the research for in-door communications, the event will feature practical examples and case studies to demonstrate new services inside wireless enhanced buildings. You will hear an update on the progress…
Wireless Applications In Educational Environments
About the presentation In addition to the latest developments in the research for in-door communications, the event will feature practical examples and case studies to demonstrate new services inside wireless enhanced buildings. You will hear an update on the progress…
Student Guide: Principles of Wireless Sensor Networks
This is to help undergraduate student and others to understand the Principles of Wireless Sensor Network. We all know that WSNs have the potential of dwarfing the revolution that the Internet has brought to the world of computing, entertainment, work,…