Thanks to the latest advances in computer modelling, an international team of researchers led by the University of Bristol shed new light on the properties of magma found hundreds of kilometers within the Earth. The study showed water-rich magmas formed…
Virtual Reality Tech Could Help Detect Cognitive Decline in Adults
Recent research emerging from the Institute of Psychiatry, Psychology & Neuroscience (IoPPN) at King’s College London suggests that a virtual reality test where participants ‘go to the shops’ could offer an effective and promising way of observing functional cognition— processing…
Facebook Notifications Increased Blood Donations
University of Maryland Machine Learning researchers developed a predictive algorithm to enhance Facebook’s notification system for blood donations. This algorithm prompted 5% more people to take blood tests in the last year, which could mean 140 million more potential donations…
IRS to use Facial Recognition for Website, Causes Uproar in Congress
According to reports, by next summer, millions of Americans could have to scan their faces to obtain access to their Internal Revenue Service tax accounts— an attempt by the government to integrate facial recognition software into the everyday lives of…
Millions of Jobs to be lost to Automation
According to Forrester, over a third of European job roles could be rendered redundant by automation over the next two decades as companies battle against unproductivity and a thinning workforce. In their latest Future of Jobs Forecast, the tech analysts…
Driver on Autopilot in Fatal Crash is charged with a Felony
Prosecutors in California have filed two counts of vehicular manslaughter against a driver of a Tesla on Autopilot who ran a red light and killed two people in 2019. From research, the defendant appears to be the first person to…